DATE AND TIME – 9th October,2022 and 12:00-2:00PM

Sanitation and hygiene are two essential aspects of human life that are often overlooked. Proper sanitation and hygiene practices help to prevent the spread of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.
Sanitation refers to the provision of facilities and services for the safe disposal of human waste, including excreta and wastewater. Hygiene, on the other hand, is the set of practices that help to maintain good health and prevent the spread of diseases. Both sanitation and hygiene are crucial for preventing the transmission of infectious diseases, particularly in communities where people live in close proximity. Good hygiene practices include washing hands with soap and water, covering your mouth when coughing or sneezing, and avoiding close contact with sick people. These practices can significantly reduce the risk of infection and help to keep individuals and communities healthy.
In addition to personal hygiene practices, proper sanitation is essential for preventing the spread of disease. This includes the safe disposal of human waste and the provision of clean drinking water. In many parts of the world, access to basic sanitation and clean water is limited, leading to the spread of waterborne diseases like cholera and dysentery. To promote better sanitation and hygiene practices, communities and governments can work together to provide access to clean water and sanitation facilities. This includes building and maintaining clean public toilets, providing education on hygiene practices, and promoting handwashing with soap and water.


Everyside Foundation Conducted a Successful Sanitation and Hygiene Program for Children. On October 9th, 2022, Everyside Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to the welfare of children, conducted a highly successful sanitation and hygiene program. The program was designed to educate children on the importance of hygiene and sanitation in preventing diseases, and to provide them with the skills and tools they need to practice good hygiene habits. The program was attended children from various schools in the Kannagi Nagar, and was conducted by a team of dedicated volunteers. The volunteers were trained professionals with years of experience in public health and hygiene education.
The program began with an interactive session in which the children were taught about the importance of hygiene and sanitation in preventing diseases. The volunteers used simple and engaging methods to help the children understand the concepts, such as showing them pictures of germs and explaining how they spread. The children were encouraged to ask questions and share their own experiences, which helped to make the session more interactive and engaging.
After the interactive session, the volunteers distributed soap bars to all the children and taught them how to wash their hands properly. The volunteers demonstrated the correct handwashing technique and explained each
step-in detail. The children were then given the opportunity to practice what they had learned, with the volunteer’s providing guidance and support as needed. The children were taught to apply soap, rub their hands together, rinse thoroughly, and dry their hands properly.
The program was a huge success, with many of the children expressing their appreciation for the knowledge and skills they had gained. The volunteers were thrilled to see the children so engaged and excited to learn about hygiene and sanitation, and were heartened by the positive feedback they received from the children and their teachers.
In addition to educating the children, the program also had a broader impact on the community. The parents of the children who attended the program were also invited to participate, and many of them took advantage of the opportunity to learn about hygiene and sanitation. The volunteers provided them with information on how to maintain clean homes and communities, and how to prevent the spread of diseases.
Overall, the sanitation and hygiene program conducted by Everyside Foundation was a resounding success. The program was able to educate children on the importance of hygiene and sanitation, and provide them with the skills and tools they need to practice good hygiene habits. By doing so, the program has contributed to the overall health and wellbeing of the community, and has helped to prevent the spread of diseases.
It is our hope that other organizations and individuals will be inspired by the success of this program, and will take similar steps to promote hygiene and sanitation in their own communities. Together, we can create a healthier and happier world for our children.