A society is built through the existence of many communities, cultures, races and ethnic tribes. Every individual and community in this society strives to achieve the respect and recognition by other individuals. But unfortunately, some communities tend to remain back of the mainstream society due to poverty, illiteracy, diseases and discrimination. One such community which has witnessed all these difficulties is Narikuravar community.
The Narikurava are an indigenous group from Indian state of Tamil Nādu. The main occupation of these people who originally belong to indigenous group was hunting, but due to certain prohibitions imposed by government to enter forest areas they were denied of hunting, so to meet with their daily survival needs they began to sell beaded ornaments. In order to sell their ornaments, they need market so they migrate from one place to another which leads to permanent unsettlements in the family and the children were hardly able to attend the schools.


With the rising morning, Everyside foundation organised a program named Breaking barriers and Building bridges under the leadership of CEO Beulah which turned out to be a great success for the organization. All the volunteers came together to bridge up the gap of Narikuravar community with the rest of the society.
Foundation’s main aim was to provide provision to the homeless. Despite all the difficulties and challenges Narikuravas were facing, they were able to preserve their culture, tradition and customs. In order to make their path easy to live a happy life our organisation stepped ahead and distributed a lot of food packets and clothes to the people. It was made sure that we can have access to people to their homes and people should not face any difficulties while collecting the donations. Our volunteers went to the village of Narikuravar community, so that our aim of breaking barriers and building bridges should be achieved on ground levels.
We distributed all the necessity items such as food grains to fruits to ensure that they get a better nutrition for survival. Everyside foundation is moving forward in building up an inclusive society. The Narikurava community in Tamil Nadu has always faced institutionalised stigma by the society and it’s really important for all of us an individual to build equal society for all and provide them support, both physically and mentally. Its not only about organizing a program but its also about the hard work and dedication shown by our volunteers and members of the foundation. The people of Narikurava community were so happy receiving the love, support and donations by our organization. They showed a lot of gratitude to us and were happy too. This turned out to be much more success for us rather than any material rewards or fame.
In the end happy faces were seen leaving this place with a lot of love and respect in their hearts with provisions in their hands along with smiling faces.