

Everyside foundation has been making collective efforts in improving the quality of education at different levels, through programs developed based on the needs of the children in the communities. To improve the quality of education, Everyside foundation follows a multidimensional strategy picture.

  • Work closely with government, community-based organizations and other stakeholders in the effective implementation of the Right To Education Act.
  • Develop and pilot appropriate learning models and practices at the grass-root level to enhance the quality of learning.
  • Partner with government departments/ training institutions to build the capacity of teachers and teaching volunteers.
  • Empower communities to monitor the functioning of schools and advocate for the implementation of various Acts and Entitlements for quality education for all children.
  • Provide livelihood programs for parents to enable them to earn a steady income to support their children’s education.
  • Support school-going children from vulnerable families by providing study materials, arranging special coaching programs, sharing course fees and encouraging children to enroll in vocational and professional education.

Health & Nutrition

Health and nutrition are an integral part of human beings and it is directly linked with better growth and development. Health plays an important role by contributing, directly or indirectly, to the economic development of the country. Hence, it is a crucial constituent to be undertaken from the grass root level.
We are determined to provide nutrient-rich food to our all needy people.
Universal healthcare is the right of every human being and to achieve that, we offer support to people in direct need of funds for medical purposes.


The most damaging effects of undernutrition occur during pregnancy and the first two years of a child’s life. These damages are irreversible; hence dealing with malnutrition in the first two years is crucially important. Our team seeks to address the causes of malnutrition with a special focus on children below 5 years, pregnant women and mothers with specific interventions for each target group.

Our nutrition response is focused on

  • Improving access and utilization of health care services to all families, especially pregnant women.
  • Improving the knowledge and practices of families on appropriate child care, nutrition and care seeking.
  • Improving investment in nutritious food through economic development activities and food security programs.

Everyside foundation focus & believes in bringing change through collective efforts by working in collaboration with government, Civil Society Organisations and other stakeholders. It follows a multi-faceted strategy to address the issue of malnutrition particularly among pregnant women and children below the age of 5 years. Undernourished (mild, moderate and severe) children were identified through a detailed assessment, and action plans are developed at the grass-root level based on the severity of the issue and the local context.

With this knowledge, we bring in our expertise to

  • Create awareness among parents, especially mothers, and communities about the ill effects of malnutrition
  • Sensitise adolescent girls and pregnant women about a balanced diet, human growth and development cycles
  • Strengthen the school health program by working with communities and partner organizations at the local level. Initiate livelihood programmes to enhance the economic status of families with malnourished children, ensuring food security.
  • Build the capacity of the frontline workers, especially the Anganwadi workers, Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA) and volunteers.
  • Build knowledge of people’s organizations in monitoring government health programmes and the functioning of health centers.
  • Integrate the sectors of health, water and sanitation in regular programming to ensure the success and sustainability of nutrition response.
  • Encourage communities to access the basic health and nutrition services provided by government through primary health canters and Anganwadi centres.
  • Introduce life skill education as part of formal education for adolescent girls and boys.
  • Provide nutritious food through a community-based nutrition intervention [Urgent Management and Action for Nutritional Growth (UMANG)] as an additional meal to malnourished children through anganwadi workers and community participation.

Women Empowerment

Everyside foundation has always been dedicated to contributing to society. We strongly believe women play an important role in the upbringing of our society. Empowerment of women is a necessity for the very development of a society since it enhances both the quality and the quantity of human resources available for development.
Living in poverty in rural areas with a limited education greatly hinders these women from finding quality jobs to support their families. Our project will train many rural women in a single day and teach them valuable skills. This project will empower women in rural villages with valuable skills. so they can earn a respectable living and help their families.

Various studies, as well as our experience, have shown that when we work toward women empowerment, the whole society benefits. But unfortunately in India, far from empowering women, most are denied even their basic rights like health, education of girls for women empowerment, employment and a respectable status in society.

According to a recent UNDP Human Development Report, India has a dangerously imbalanced sex ratio, the chief reason being rampant female infanticide and sex-selective abortions.

The programme identifies adolescent girls and women from the community and develops them into Change Agents, who in turn actively contribute to the community mobilization process. Mainly we support Healthcare as a Behaviour, Support Education, Supporters through Male Involvement, and Sustaining Change in Communities.

Mental Health Counselling (Children Counselling & Family Services)

Mental health includes our emotional, psychological and social well- being. It impacts the way we feel, think, make decisions and act. It also helps determine how we handle the pressures of life, connect with others and make better choices. Hence, it becomes very important to take care of one’s mental health at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood.
At Everyside we take care of facilitating positively the mental health of individuals who seek guidance and counselling through:

  • Children Counselling – Play Therapy
  • Expressive Arts therapies for children, adolescents and adults.
  • Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
  • Person Cantered Therapy
  • Psychotherapy
  • Individual, group and family counselling
  • Career Guidance and Counseling
  • Other creative ways of dealing with trauma, anxiety, depression, stress management and based on individual and group needs.

Senior Citizen Support Program

Our Senior Citizen support program aims to provide the utmost love and care to the elderly living in poverty. Most of these elders live with their families, but still, face isolation daily. Everyside Foundation organizes monthly get-togethers in the connecting center of beneficiaries, where they can interact and spend quality time with our team & staff members. They are also able to share their feelings, talk about their problems and feel cared for. In addition to this, they are also given a monthly pension & monthly medical financial support to help them take care of their daily needs.

Community Outreach & Wellness Centers

Everyside foundation promotes community outreach programs & wellness centers awareness campaigns in different locations. Individuals are trained to promote health and prevent disease in their communities.

We identify motivated women who show passion for the development of their communities and train them to become the local ambassadors for health and awareness in their respective communities. The training for selected women spans six months, during which they are trained on all the basics of health.

These women volunteers then conduct awareness programmes and door-to-door campaigns promoting health and preventing diseases within their communities. Health checkups are conducted in various communities, exclusively for women & elders & kids.

Rural & Tribal Community support program

To transform the rural & tribal communities, to bring youngsters from tribal communities together and to channel their energies youngsters in a positive direction to meet complex life challenges, The main motto is to develop their survival mentality in developing society infrastructures.

Also, an exclusive plan for tribal women to motivate them to participate in various activities like a Cooking contest, Tailoring & Stitching contest, Instant food making contest, and Clean Environment maintenance contest for women was organized to encourage women from communities nearby locations & motivate them to lead their self-sustained lifestyle in their communities.

Child Development

At Everyside we firmly believe that only education could change the social environment in the slum tenement. On Friday 13.5.2022 we distributed 30 plus educational kits to the children at Kannagi Nagar thoraipakkam. We came to know several boys were dropping out of school, and children had discontinued their studies. Our concern is to give education support and to bring behavioral and ethical values to the kids. We request educational institutions to come forward to support us on this journey.

Of the residents of Kannagi Nagar in Thoraipakkam, which houses one of the largest slum tenements in Chennai city, more than 80 % of the men residents including youngsters are addicted to alcoholism, and drugs. We are planning to initiate an awareness program among the community that could help prevent safety for the children.