Our Campaigns

To promote quality of life and contribution to a better community
To provide solace to forsaken destitute, give them love and respect that has been denied
To assist the poor and the needy towards alleviation of suffering, upliftment of the deprived, disabled, marginalized affected by ill health, social unrest, natural calamities.
To promote equality in every prospect irrespective of caste, creed, color or religion.

Join Our Campaigns! Every One Can Join


Food Distribution

In our community, we believe that no one should go to bed hungry, and we are committed to making a difference.
The objective of this campaign is simple: to provide nutritious meals to those in need. We will be distributing food packages and hot meals to individuals and families facing food insecurity. Our volunteers and partners are dedicated to ensuring that everyone has access to a basic human necessity – food.


Educational Campaign

In our community, we firmly believe that education is the key to unlocking limitless opportunities. This campaign is designed to ensure that every underprivileged child, regardless of their background, has access to quality education. We are committed to empowering students with the knowledge, skills, and confidence they need to build a brighter future for themselves and their communities.


Women’s Welfare Campaign

This campaign is all about recognizing the incredible strength and potential that women possess. We aim to provide support, resources, and opportunities to women from all walks of life. Whether it’s access to education, career development, or assistance for those facing challenges, we are committed to fostering a more equitable society.


Health & Hygiene Campaign

This campaign seeks to highlight the profound connection between aid, health, and hygiene. Through a series of engaging events, workshops, and educational programs, we will empower children and women to take charge of their health. We also help the elderly and others with medical camps. From proper hygiene and sanitation practices to mental well-being, we believe that aid can be a powerful tool for healing and self-care.


Art Festival Campaign

This festival is more than just a showcase of artistic talent; it’s a platform for positive change. Our goal is to harness the power of art to inspire conversations, provoke thought, and drive meaningful social and environmental change for children and young adults.


Hospitality Campaign

In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to forget the power of a kind gesture. This campaign is all about rekindling the spirit of hospitality and reminding us to care for one another. Addressing their needs, providing them with suitable and comfortable accommodation for residing people and students, and the food served in the residence to the people who come from different places to learn and strengthen their relations with cooperation and goodwill giving them guidance for their future.


Counselling Sessions

Navigating the vast landscape of educational choices and opportunities can be overwhelming for unprivileged children. That’s where our experienced counselors come in. Our mission is to provide personalized guidance and support to help you make informed decisions about your educational and career path to the children and young adults in need.


Homeless Support

Homelessness is a pressing issue in our community, and it’s our mission to make a difference. This campaign focuses on offering not just a roof but also dignity and support to those in need. From providing safe shelter to access to essential resources, we believe that every life deserves compassion and care.


Youth Development Program

Good deeds to do every week are performed by our Youths, AGDW is a youth program the main focus of the campaign is giving to the poor and helping their loved ones. Enabling youths to participate in the act of good deeds, Training, and providing them opportunities to a sense of purpose and satisfaction. A person is noble by deeds and so will the world be if everyone starts following the right path and deeds in their life. Building youths to use their talents in the right way for the betterment of another person or society.