Attention, task performance and socio-emotional health improvement program (ATSP)
VENUE – Ebenezar Modern Matriculation School, Cholambedu Chennai.
AGE GROUP- 3-15 Years.
DATE AND TIME – 25TH March 2023, 9AM-12PM.

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the role of attention and socio-emotional health in improving task performance among students and professionals alike. The Attention, Task Performance, and Socio-Emotional Health Improvement Program (ATSP) is a novel approach that aims to enhance cognitive function and emotional regulation through targeted training exercises. This program has shown promising results in various studies, highlighting its potential as a practical intervention for individuals looking to improve their attentional focus, productivity, and overall well-being.
The Attention, Task Performance, and SocioEmotional Health Improvement Program (ATSP) holds significant potential for enhancing the cognitive function and academic performance of school students, including those who struggle with learning. Research suggests that weak learners often struggle with attentional focus, memory, and executive function, all of which are critical for academic success. ATSP employs a range of targeted exercises and techniques that aim to improve attentional regulation, working memory, and emotion regulation, which are essential for effective learning. By integrating ATSP into the curriculum and providing personalized training to weak learners, schools can help students overcome their learning difficulties and reach their full academic potential. Furthermore, ATSP can also enhance the socio-emotional health of students, promoting positive emotions, self-esteem, and resilience, which are crucial for well-being and academic success.


2023, with a beautiful morning started with a new program aiming at enhancing cognitive functions and emotional wellbeing amongst students and weak learners named as Attention, task performance and SocioEmotional health improvement program (ATSP). This program of our organization became a success under the leadership of our CEO Beulah. With the consistent efforts of our volunteers and members of our foundation we are able to create a difference and educate children at much different level. Our aim was to improve the task performance of learners (which is invariably linked to academic performance of students) by enhancing their ability to pay attention to detail, memory (longterm and working execution), focus and socioemotional regulation.
Various activities were undertaken by our volunteers such as to improve attention perception, imagination, concentration and focus, recall activities (find the missing coin/object, tip-top walks, spot it game, tangrams and hula hoops) were done with the children.
Activities that improve emotional regulation amongst students were also done such as expressive art, mirroring techniques and sculpting. Our all volunteers and members made this program a success by catering to the individual needs of the children separately.
A lot of research has been done in the field of ATSP and has been discovered that Stroop test (the importance of Stroop test is that it appears to cast light into the essential operations of cognitions) and star cancellation activity has brought up a lot of positive changes in learning patterns of children and helps in understanding their levels of grasping things.
Children at the end were made realised that nothing is difficult in this world, its just the efficient and consistent effort to put in to make things easier. Our volunteers were able to spark the light of enjoyment and enlightenment amongst the children which proved to be a much greater success for our foundation than any rewards.