Homeless Campaign Report

Date: October 24, 2023
Location: Redhills, Chennai, India

The “Homeless Campaign” was an impactful and compassionate initiative conducted by our Everyside Foundation, aimed at addressing the pressing issue of homelessness in the Narikuravar community. This report provides a comprehensive overview of the campaign’s planning, execution, and outcomes.
Homelessness is a critical societal issue affecting countless individuals and families across the Narikuravar community. In response, our organization initiated the Homeless Campaign with the goal of providing immediate assistance to homeless individuals and raising awareness about this pressing problem.
“In the midst of our bustling lives, let us remember those who seek the simplest of blessings – a place to call home. The Homeless Campaign is an invitation to our collective humanity, a testament to our capacity for compassion. Together, we can be the architects of change, weaving the threads of hope and dignity for those who have lost their way. As we join hands in this campaign, we become beacons of light in the darkest of times, ensuring that no one is left behind. Every act of kindness, every donation, every moment of advocacy is a step toward a world where homelessness is but a memory. Let us be the change we wish to see, and let us shine with the brilliance of compassion. This campaign is our promise, our hope, and our shared journey toward a future where everyone has a place to call home.”

Goals and Objectives:
– Provide food, clothing, and hygiene kits to homeless individuals.
– Offer information about local support services and shelters.
– Foster community involvement and awareness.
– Encourage children to start their education
– Highlighting the need for education to their parents

a. Outreach and Distribution:
– Regularly scheduled outreach events at known homeless hotspots.
– Distribution of hot meals, clothing, and hygiene kits.
– Collaborated with shelters to identify homeless individuals in need.

Awareness Campaign:
– Utilized social media, our website, and flyers to raise awareness.
– Organized public events and workshops on homelessness issues.

a. Immediate Impact:
– Distributed over 100 hot meals.
– Provided clothing and hygiene kits to hundreds of homeless individuals.
– Connected individuals to local shelters and support services.
b. Long-Term Impact:
– Increased community awareness about homelessness.
– Encouraged more volunteers to join our campaign.
– Established lasting relationships with local shelters and support agencies.

Challenges Faced:
a. Weather Conditions: Warm and Humid weather conditions occasionally affected the success
of outreach events.
b. Limited Resources: The campaign’s impact was constrained by the availability of resources
and volunteers.
c. Limited Outreach: Some homeless individuals remained inaccessible due to the transient
nature of homelessness.

Lessons Learned:
The campaign needed to adapt to changing conditions, especially weather-related challenges.
Collaborating with local shelters and agencies proved essential in addressing homelessness
effectively.The need for continuous support and efforts to make a sustainable impact became

Team of Everyside Foundation
A successful campaign can’t be held without the support of kind and dedicated team members.
1. Karthik
2. Mathew Joe
3. Surendhar
4. Naresh
5. Thennarasu
All these team members of Everyside Foundation where working at the ground level, connecting with the Homeless People and undertaking all the operations.


The “Feeding Homeless Campaign” was a significant step toward addressing homelessness in the Narikuravar community. While immediate assistance was provided to many individuals, the campaign also played a crucial role in raising awareness and fostering community involvement.
The challenges encountered during the campaign have provided valuable insights for future efforts.
We remain committed to our mission and will continue to work tirelessly to alleviate homelessness, with the hope of creating a more inclusive and compassionate community.